
Have a Burning Question? Ask Justice

Do you have a question or concern and don’t know where to go to find the answer? Dear Justice can help you solve problems from what to make for dinner to how to get the most out of your college education.

Justice is also here to entertain. No matter how random the question, she will do her best to answer. Send your question to and put “Dear Justice” in the subject line or just drop a note in the Mainstream box located on the wall outside of Snyder 11. Justice will answer questions as quickly as possible, so watch each new issue of the Mainstream for your answer. Editions come out every two weeks usually starting week three of the term.

Dear Justice,

This is my second term at UCC, and I have yet to meet anyone that I talk to outside of classes. I feel like I am just going through the motions and missing out on the college experience. I don’t want to get stuck in this routine of just going to school, then going home to do homework, then doing it all over again the next day. Is there something I can do to feel more involved in campus life and meet new people?

Missing out in Winchester

Dear Missing Out,

That is a great question. UCC has some great clubs you can get involved in where you can make friends, and if you don’t find a club that suits you there is always the option of starting a new one. UCC also has a student government called ASUCC. Any student can apply to be a senator or run for an officer position (see Student Life Director Marjan Coester in Campus Center for deadlines). ASUCC does a lot of activities on campus that get people together to have a good time. Watch posters and bulletin boards for their next event. You don’t have to be in student government to volunteer to help with their events, and all students can just come and enjoy their activities. Another way to make friends is to join one of the UCC classes that get students together in a team setting. PE classes such as golf and bowling will get you interacting with other people. Signing up for a work study opportunity can also get you more involved. Students who work in places like the cafeteria and the financial aid office get the chance to be a part of the inner workings of UCC and also get to meet a lot of new faces. If you really want to meet new people and make your mark on UCC, you could always just stand up on top of the fountain and announce yourself as the crazy new kid. That would probably get some attention. Although, that may not be the kind of attention you are looking for. No matter what you choose to do, you will soon find your groove and college life will get easier. Relax and enjoy it. Welcome to UCC.

The Mainstream is a student publication of Umpqua Community College.